Energy, Industrial & Special Structures
We provide our clients with expert design and consulting services in the areas of industrial construction, power plant technology, special non-standard buildings and structures. As a general planner we are capable of handling all of the design packages, supported by special competencies such as dynamics and earthquake engineering. A number of special components for fire protection, building physics, facade or green building, or authorization to present planning documents round out our portfolio.
We work where your projects are—with three office locations in Frankfurt, Cologne and Munich as well as HOCHTIEF IKS Schweiz AG in Zurich.
We are certified by:
- DQS (German society for the certification of quality assurance systems)
- VGB (European technical association for power and heat generation)
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Optimization of Projects and Design Reviews
The optimization of construction procedures, construction costs and operating expenses are a significant aspect of our work. Thanks to our decades of experience in the development of "special proposals" within the HOCHTIEF acquisition projects, along with countless design and engineering tasks in close cooperation with the construction sites, we draw on an extensive knowledge and understanding of construction projects that we can enhance your projects with. Naturally, we are also experienced in the checking of other aspects such as quality, feasibility and conformity with standards.
BIM based Design
Due to our many years of activity in the energy and industry sector, we are extremely familiar with 3D design. About 30 years ago, we started working with object-oriented CAD and developed the UniCAD program system up to market maturity. Today we are able to provide our design services as BIM based with all common CAD software products. All our engineering design services - architecture, structural design and technical building services – are BIM-based. Our employees are not only proficient in the software used; we are also experienced in integrated design from other involved parties and are practiced in dealing with BIM regulations, such as AIA and BAP.
In the energy and industry sectors, the alignment of the structure with the plant and process equipment, by means of exchanging models, is a standard procedure for us. Upon customer's request, we also model the components of the plant and process equipment therefore creating the overall model.
Energy / Power
The entire team in the energy / power project sector has a comprehensive know-how in the structural engineering design of power generation plants. The field of activity of energy / power includes design services for the new construction of nuclear facilities, such as storage and logistics buildings for radioactive waste, the maintenance and retrofitting measures of existing plants and the structured dismantling of nuclear power plants. For each activity, the specific and specialized technical needs of plant and process equipment are of focal importance.
The decommissioning and dismantling team within this sector is active at almost all nuclear power plant sites in Germany and carries out the design tasks for the decommissioning and dismantling from shutdown to "greenfield". In doing so, this group provides comprehensive structural engineering services for deconstruction, dismantling, packaging, transport and logistics as well as for occupational safety and fire protection. In addition, our engineers also draw on extensive expert and specialist knowledge in the field of dismantling the actual plant.
Following many years of experience in structural engineering design for the construction of new coal-fired power plants, combined cycle power plants and waste incineration plants, a new business segment was also developed in light of the German energy turnaround regarding the design of on-shore converter stations. In close cooperation with the client and the plant designer, and as part of the international design team, we provide comprehensive constructional design services for the various trades, through the draft, approval and implementation design phases up to the preparation of the BoQs and specifications. A vital component in the process is the use of BIM for the design, coordination and quality assurance. In addition to the preparation of the ready-for-construction drawings, the parameters for future use and maintenance are also addressed.
For offshore wind farms in the North and Baltic Seas, we provide design services for special components of the wind turbine foundations, we advise clients on manufacturing issues and we coordinate interfaces with manufacturers. Our experts are familiar with the relevant regulations; they prepare quality control plans and carry out monitoring at the manufacturers premises.
Our engineers are familiar with working in coordination positions and are able to manage cross-departmental projects as lead designers in both the national and international environments.
Our services:
- Nuclear power plants and nuclear facilities
- Decommissioning of nuclear power plants
- Converter stations
- Coal-fired power plants
- Combined gas cycle turbine plants
- Waste incineration plants
- Renewable energies (e.g. onshore wind, offshore wind)
- Energy storage
Our core competences are the design of new industrial plants, the design for change of use / conversions and the evaluation of existing plants. Our team consists of experienced engineers, who are able to handle national and international projects of different sizes from draft through to implementation design.
In our field of activity pertaining to the assessment of buildings, and the ageing and lifetime management, we provide our clients with comprehensive solutions for the further use of their buildings. We carry out structural inspections using electronic equipment and specially developed software, evaluate any anomalies found and develop targeted renovation and retrofit concepts.
Our services:
- Design of new plants (heavy industry, food, chemistry, automotive and logistics industries)
- Conversion and evaluation of existing buildings of all kinds
- Development of rehabilitation concepts for structural damages (including BoQs / Specifications) and monitoring of the rehabilitation measures
- Fire protection evaluation (temperature curve design checks under unit temperature and natural fire curve)
- WHG / AwSV expert competence (The Water Resources Act and the Ordinance on Installations for the Handling of Substances Hazardous to Water): design and assessment of HBV (produce, treat, use), AU (filling, handling) and LAU (storage, filling, handling) systems
- Life cycle / lifetime management
- Building, plant and facade inspections e.g. according to VDI 6200 / KTA 1403/ DIN 1076
- Probabilistic proofs / safety theory
- Statistical determination of building material characteristics and effects
- Remaining lifetime considerations
- Preparation of expert opinion and feasibility studies
Our broad range of services in the business field of power transmission networks includes the categorisation and evaluation of overhead line systems (in accordance with VDE-AR-N 4210-4), pole and mast type-related clustering of existing overhead line systems, structural calculations (in accordance with DIN EN 50341-2-4), the design for new construction masts and the preparation of studies and expert opinions.
The development of single masts, special masts or entire mast families for overhead line mast construction are part of our standard services.
Our references in overhead line construction include the development of poles and special masts for voltage from 110 to 380 kV and masts up to 100 meters high.
General Services:
- Development of new mast construction
- Revaluation of overhead line masts
- Structural calculations of existing overhead line masts in case of change of use
- Development of rehabilitation and upgrading measures
- Location-specific individual solutions
- Individual solutions for special masts
- Preparation of system, workshop and implementation design
- Founding concepts for new overhead line routing
- Evaluation of existing foundations
- Interpretation of soil reports and soil samples with regard to an optimized foundation for new and existing masts
- Development of concepts to increase the load capacity of masts / foundations
- Studies for the development and optimization of overhead line linkages
- Experimental tests in the HOCHTIEF Innovation & Testing Centre (ITC)
Structural Design
The structural design department bundles the entire competence for design and engineering services for the strengthening or repair of reinforced and pre-stressed concrete structures in power plant construction, industrial and special construction (high-rise construction).
Our team of experts, engineers, designers and draftsmen at the Frankfurt and Cologne locations handle national and international projects in all design phases, covering also project management and project controlling. Furthermore, our experts provide client support through independent review of design and in the development of optimisation and value engineering proposals.
- Preparation of foundation concepts
- Pre-dimensioning and feasibility studies
- Preparation of the approval and implementation design
- Evaluation of existing structures
- Conversion and subsequent upgrading / renovation concepts
- Recalculation of existing buildings (change of use, change in standards and regulations, etc.)
- Assessment of construction stages
- Preparation of concrete outline drawings, including all embedment's, and reinforcement drawings with bar bending schedules
- Consulting and expert assessments
- Pre-stressed concrete structures
- Water tight concrete
- Containments and liners (also preloaded)
- Temperature curve design
- Anchoring technology
- Auxiliary constructions
- Geometrically and materially non-linear structural analyses
- Calculation of soil-structure interactions
- Masonry construction
- 3rd party-checking and value-engineering
Architectural Design
The range of services offered includes design and engineering services from feasibility studies and conceptual design, through draft, approval and implementation design, followed by the phases of tendering and awarding of contracts and finally object monitoring and documentation.
We provide our design services for both new construction and refurbishment projects - in industrial and power plant construction or high-rise construction.
Our services:
- Feasibility studies
- Architectural design for buildings and interiors
- Architectural design for engineering structures and traffic facilities for industrial plants and power stations
- External works design / design of outdoor facilities
- Fire protection design and preparation of fire protection concepts
- Facade consulting and quality assurance
- Design of property protection measures
- Design of coatings
- Design of special solutions in the field of structural waterproofing
- Green building management (LEED, DGNB),
- Design coordination
Structural Steel Design
The range of services offered by the structural steel department covers all phases of design for steel, steel-composite, lightweight steel and membrane structures / construction, from draft design to post-erection-evaluation.
We provide our services for you from our locations in Frankfurt, Cologne and Munich.
These fields of activity are supplemented by consulting for corrosion protection design and corrosion protection monitoring, in the workshop manufacturing plant and on the construction site during erection. we record the substance of existing buildings, evaluate them and prepare renovation concepts for damaged structures or change-of-use. For components in special environments, for example steel liners as a barrier in a nuclear environment, we develop and design in accordance to the regulations and specifications of the countries concerned. The design of components for offshore wind turbines according to maritime regulations is also part of our field of activity.
Know-how and expertise are ensured by
- Experienced steel construction design engineers / draftsmen
- Specialist welding engineers
- Coating / corrosion protection inspectors certified to FROSIO-NS-476
- Fastenings specialist engineers
- Publicly certified and sworn expert for metal construction (steel and steel composite construction)
Our services:
- Complex steel structures in industrial and power plant construction
- Framework / truss structures
- Inventory evaluation, in accordance to VDI 6200
- Crane tracks and associated the structural steelwork supports
- Pipe bridges and conveyor systems
- Fire protection design of steel structures by means of temperature curve design
- Steel structures for noise barriers and signage gantries
- Steel working platforms, stair towers, landing and steps
- Erection and assembly concepts
- Steel construction overview drawings and workshop design
- Corrosion protection design in accordance to DIN EN ISO 12944 and existing coating evaluations in accordance to DIN EN ISO 4628
- Coating testing and evaluation in accordance to ISO 8502 3-1/2
Earthquake Engineering / Structural Dynamics / Special Projects
Our specialist department combines the competences in the field of design and verification of structures under dynamic actions.
Experienced specialists cover the entire spectrum from load determination, structural design and experimental investigations for all dynamic effects from the most minor induced vibrations, e.g. caused by humans or traffic, to extreme events such as earthquakes, explosions or airplane crashes.
Through its participation in relevant standards and regulations committees and its involvement in research and development projects, the team is actively involved in the development of fundamental principles and practical implementation of the latest research findings.
Our range of services:
- Seismic analyses, Analyses for explosion blast waves and shock / impact loads
- Airplane crash, projectile and debris impacts
- Non-linear analyses of building structures and plant equipment
- Dynamic soil-structure interaction, pile foundations
- Seismic base isolation
- Plant engineering (calculations and verifications for components, systems and pipelines)
- Weapon effects and shelter construction (detonation and deflagration)
- Forecasts and measurements of vibrations and shocks
- Machine foundations
- Experimental investigations (testing of structural components and plant equipment)
- Probabilistic safety analyses and design concepts
- Collapse analyses
- Special structures, membrane and cable structures
- Development and design of innovative materials with special properties (damping concrete, aluminium foam, etc.)
- Development of new design concepts for seismic, dynamic and other internal / external / accidental loads
- Participation in several standards committees (DIN, KTA, RSK, Eurocode, ISO, fib)
- Research and development
Technical Building Services
Technical building services are a central building block for energy-efficient, sustainable buildings. Our task as planners and consultants in this trade is to implement the technical properties you expect of your building in terms of planning. The focus here is on economic efficiency and energy efficiency.
Our engineers develop coordinated design of all technical trades for our customers, from the initial concept, through development and approval design, to ready-for-construction design and tendering documentation. In addition, we prepare tenders for technical installations and provide support in the awarding of contracts for services. We support our clients in site supervision and construction management.
Our consulting and design services cover the trades:
- Sanitary facilities
- Heating and cooling technology
- Ventilation and air conditioning systems
- Electrical Engineering
- Telecommunications and information technology
- Firefighting systems
- Control engineering

Dr. Julian Meyer
HOCHTIEF Engineering GmbH, Consult IKS
Lyoner Straße 25
D-60528 Frankfurt on Main
Tel.: +49 69 7117-2258

Dr. Steffen Schindler
Schaffhauserstrasse 131
CH-8152 Glattbrugg Zurich
Tel.: +41 43 557-2773